sept. 13, 2025

București - Divertiland Spartan Sprint/Super/Kids

sept. 13

București - Divertiland Spartan SPRINT 2025

83 € till May 5th
sept. 13

București - Divertiland Spartan SUPER 2025

93 € till May 5th
sept. 13

București - Divertiland Spartan KIDS 2025

20 € till September 10th
la course

Spartan Race brings a unique experience to Divertiland Water Park in Bucharest / Chiajna!

It's your moment to push beyond your limits in a spectacular venue, where the energy and adrenaline of Spartan races blend with the vibrant atmosphere of one of Romania's largest water parks. With Sprint, Super, and Kids courses, the challenges are designed for all levels – from beginners to the most advanced warriors. The start/finish area, located at the heart of the park, and the routes passing through its most iconic areas will push you to give your very best. Get ready for a memorable day, full of challenges, fun, and personal growth!

Don’t miss the chance to fully immerse yourself in every obstacle and enjoy a one-of-a-kind Spartan experience!

Race as a gift

If you want to give the race as a gift, take advantage of low prices, buy registration early and give a voucher. You can transfer the registration to another person until the Tuesday before the selected race in your profile. We wish you many unforgettable sports experiences with your friends and loved ones.

Race Distances
Kids Race
The Sprint
5 km
Durée moyenne
1 h32 m12 s
nformations sur la journée de course

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Cours en équipe
Envois ton équipe sur la ligne de départ. Forme ta propre équipe Spartan et participe à la course avec tes amis, ta famille et tes collègues. Crée ton équipe pendant l'inscription. Choisis une course ci-dessus pour commencer.
Deviens Volontaire
En tant que volontaire Spartan Race, tu aideras nos participants et vivra une expérience unique de l'intérieur. Mais pas seulement, être volontaire te permettra de courir gratuitement.
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